Books recomendation for film production

• Beyond the Red Carpet: Keys to Becoming a Successful Personal Assistant.
By Dionne M. Muhammad (Authorhouse, 2006).

• Breakfast with Sharks: A Screenwriter’s Guide to Getting the Meeting,
Nailing the Pitch, Signing the Deal, and Navigating theMurky Waters of Hollywood.
By Michael Lent (Three Rivers Press, 2004).

• The Complete Film Production Handbook (3rd edition). By Eve
Light Honthaner (Focal Press, 2001).

• God, Man, and Hollywood: Politically Incorrect Cinema from The
Birth of a Nation to The Passion of Christ.
By Mark Royden Winchell (ISI Books, 2008).

• Gods and Monsters. By Peter Biskind (Nation Books, 2004).

• Hollywood Undercover: Revealing the Sordid Secrets of Tinseltown.
By Ian Halperin (Mainstream Publishing Company, 2007).

• The Mailroom: Hollywood History from the Bottom Up. By David
Rensin (Ballantine Books, 2003).

• Producing for Hollywood: A Guide for Independent Producers (2nd
edition). By Paul Mason and Don Gold (Allworth Press, 2004).

• The Sundance Kids: How the Mavericks Took Back Hollywood.
By James Mottram (Faber and Faber, 2006).

• This Business of Film: A Practical Guide to Achieving Success in the Film Industry.
By Stephen R. Greenwald and Paula Landry (Lone Eagle, 2009). FILM: Resources

• The Whole Equation: A History of Hollywood. By David Thomson (Knopf, 2004).

• The X List: The National Society of Film Critics’ Guide to the Movies
That Turn Us On. Edited by Jami Bernard (De Capo Press, 2005).

• Writing from the Inside Out; Transforming Your Psychological
Blocks to Release the Writer Within. By Dennis Palumbo (JohnWiley and Sons, 2000).

• Industri Perfilman Indonesia . By Heru Effendi (2009)

• Budaya Media. By Douglas Kellner (2010)


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