Template Blogger Rokophoto Lite v2

Rokophoto Lite adalah sebuah template yang digunakan di Blog ini. Dengan berlisensi GNU GPL maka kita dapat bebas mengedit source code dan memakainya kembali dengan syarat membuat source code yang kita edit harus di share kembali. Di dalam template ini saya membuat beberapa editan seperti menambahkan sidebar, menghilangkan border pada header, membuat judul postingan berada pada header dan beberapa modifikasi lainnya. Kamu dapat mengunduh template blogger gratis ini dan memasang di blog Anda.

Rokophoto Lite is a template used in this blog with GNU/GPL License. In this template i make some modification like adding the sidebar, erasing header border etc. you can download this template for free and applied it into your blog.

Template File :

How to use this template :
1. Download Template file
2. Extract .zip file
3. Open your blogger dashboard and go to template tab
4, Click Backup/Restore Button then upload RokoPhotoLitev2.xml
5. (optional) Upload main.css file to your Hosting or Cloud storage, make it shareable and copy the link. Then go to template tab in the dashboard click edit html. find this code :

 delete that link and paste your own.
6. Your blog is now ready!

note :
Since Blogger does not provide global data for blog author i made a little hack on how blog description might appear. The description is now displayed on the menu bar and below the header. if you have long desctiption i would recommend to make it shorter or just simlply put your name on it.

if you have any question feel free to ask. i apologise if you having trouble reading my instruction because English is not my first language.

GitHub : https://github.com/rifqempul/Rokophotolitev2-blogger


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